Building a better main street for San Francisco


市场街自1847年建成以来,作为旧金山市的主要交通走廊,在旧金山市的发展中发挥了关键作用. 在20世纪60年代末和70年代初,由建筑师大师John Carl Warnecke和Mario J. Ciampi, and master landscape architect Lawrence Halprin, Market Street is a significant example of modern urban planning. Today, 它仍然是区域交通服务的核心,也是整个旧金山交通连接的骨干.

The Better Market Street project has been a complex, 数十年的努力重新定义走廊的未来,以最好地满足21世纪交通出行选择的需求, 同时也增强了街景美学,并为更广泛的用途激活了步行区. 旧金山公共工程公司正在领导“更好的市场街”项目,以提供变革性的交通, streetscape, and safety improvements along 2.2 miles of Market Street between Octavia Boulevard and Steuart Street.

该项目的主要目的是通过减少各种交通方式之间的冲突,使市场街更安全,更高效, paratransit, taxis, commercial vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. 该项目的第二个目标是替换走廊中即将达到其运营设计寿命的基础设施,并改善走廊的可达性和街景环境的质量.


BMS blue logo

市场街是旧金山的主干道和市政铁路(Muni)。, with the majority of routes operating on or crossing Market Street. Market Street is among the slowest transit corridors in the system, with average speeds of approximately 5.由于不同交通方式之间的冲突,市场街的速度达到了每小时1英里, stop spacing, and heavy passenger volumes. In addition to an average of roughly 250,000 transit boardings per day, Market Street sees substantial pedestrian use (approximately 85,市场街(Market Street)的行人数量也大幅增加(1995年至2015年间增长了183%)。.

市场街目前存在多种设计缺陷,导致碰撞率高于平均水平,并对走廊沿线的所有交通方式构成潜在危险. Between January 2012 and December 2016, 据报道,在项目走廊沿线发生了166起行人碰撞事故(137起车辆与行人之间的碰撞事故), and 29 collisions between pedestrians and bicyclists). The entire length of Market Street is approximately 0.占旧金山街道总里程的4%,但该市11%的严重/致命骑自行车者受伤和6%的严重/致命行人受伤都发生在这里. 市场街走廊平均每年有一人被杀.

Lastly, 项目走廊沿线现有的砖砌人行道和过境登机设施不符合《明升m88备用》(ADA)的规定。, posing challenges for individuals with mobility and visual impairments. Specifically, many of the 1970s-era improvements to Market Street do not meet current life safety requirements; the Better Market Street project seeks to bring these elements up to current codes.


ICF assisted 为旧金山市和县提供了众多设计方案和替代方案,以解决市场街的设计缺陷. 我们准备了环境文件,评估那些被确定为最可行的替代方案.

ICF also conducted an extensive evaluation of cultural resources, 包括市场街走廊内的146个历史资源,由历史街区组成, monuments, 以及以历史建筑为背景的物品和公共基础设施系统. ICF的文化资源团队在满足项目目标与市场街的文化和历史意义之间取得了平衡, 深入分析项目对走廊内众多重叠的历史资源的影响,并制定强有力的缓解措施计划,以纪念市场街的重要历史.

ICF团队还包括次级顾问公司Fehr and Peers和LCW Consulting, 这两者对于评估拟议的车道改造对交通系统的影响至关重要, and to collaborating with the City to minimize the effect of such changes.



根据《明升体育m88》(NEPA),正在进行一项单独的环境程序,以完成环境评估。. ICF has worked closely with the federal lead agency, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and San Francisco Public Works to fast-track the NEPA process. 这项工作包括在频繁和密集的会议上与这些机构合作,并积极预测和解决问题. The NEPA process is anticipated to be completed in August 2020.

20 years

Better Market Street has been in development


unique alternative and design configurations considered

$600+ million

estimated total cost of project improvements
City of San Francisco

“我想向ICF表示感谢,感谢他们在如此紧迫的期限内完成了任务,并满足了要求, comments, 以及规划和公共工程部门的修订,以满足ARC听证会的最后期限. Thank you for all your work on this project.”

- Allison Vanderslice,旧金山规划部CEQA文化资源团队经理

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