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能源 Efficiency for Clean Development Program (EECDP)

Bringing 能源 Efficiency to the Developing World

How ICF helped emerging markets achieve clean development goals

Often referred to as “the first fuel in the race for a sustainable future,” energy efficiency is a critical pillar in USAID’s support for the developing world. 能源效率促进清洁发展项目(EECDP)是ICF与美国国际开发署于2011年3月达成的一项合作协议. It provided tools and replicable strategies for energy efficiency in emerging markets, supported by the department’s Leader Awards and Associate Awards.


United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


Integrate energy efficiency into buildings and infrastructure in developing countries, preventing expensive energy consumption and the need for costly retrofits in the future.


开发框架, 技术工具, 以及提高各部门能源效率和加强新兴市场能源效率投资的战略.



EECDP刺激了经济增长, 为消费者降低成本, and enhanced energy security in developing countries across the world. By increasing energy efficiency investments, 该项目减少了温室气体排放,创造了就业机会,同时减少了对进口燃料的依赖. 我们制定了《明升体育m88》,作为这些努力的旗舰组成部分, 向美国国际开发署详细介绍了政府在能源效率方面采取行动的战略和成功案例.



ICF开发了 “toolkit” that contains the basics of energy efficiency technology and tools, designing policy and projects, and evaluating 成本 and benefits. 它使美国国际开发署的工作人员能够:

  • Discuss the energy efficiency program and technology opportunities with stakeholders.
  • 确定当地能源效率的机会和作用,以及如何利用它来实现节约成本的目标, 经济发展, 减少排放.
  • Learn about strategies that have been successful in similar markets.
  • Develop an energy efficiency program that delivers the desired results.

能源 efficiency opportunity study

我们还完成了一项研究,揭示了七个新兴市场的最佳能效投资. 该框架承认政治和市场现实,并侧重于具有最大影响的战略. The findings served as reference points, 为类似市场的能效项目提供见解和指导.


ICF开发了用户友好的软件来支持这项研究,即美国国际开发署的机会评估工具. 我们对其分析框架进行了编码,以确定扩大能源效率的投资. 其灵活的设计使美国国际开发署和其他利益相关者能够随着工作的继续更新和扩展其功能.

该工具提供了一个简单的可视化界面,用于记录信息,并提供具有最大节省潜力和最大成功可能性的程序分析. An additional feature is the energy efficiency building block analysis, which helps focus efforts on barriers determined by user input. 它提供了一些解决方案,比如让银行了解节能项目的投资回报.

Integrated Resource and Resilience Planning (IRRP)

发展中经济体处于将气候和灾害抵御能力纳入长期能源规划的理想位置. 综合气候模型的使用使这些国家能够将最佳做法纳入发电框架, 传输, 和分布.

ICF的综合资源和弹性规划(IRRP)是一种强大的战略规划方法,可以模拟基于发电方案的成本效益情景, 预计的传输需求, 以及预期的能源需求. It expands on standard processes that fail to include climate and resiliency.




From April 2016 to 2018, USAID supported a comprehensive power sector assessment in Ghana 在国际红十字基金会的协助下. The work informed investments in generation, 传输与分配, 减少需求——寻找具有成本效益的解决方案,推动低排放的经济增长.


2015年7月至2018年7月,美国国际开发署在坦桑尼亚开展了IRRP项目,将与气候影响相关的风险和可靠性问题纳入了电力部门的长期规划. It focused on stakeholder collaboration and delivered technical 培训. 能源 efficiency and green building support are now lowering electricity load, 减少发电需求, 成本, 和排放.

Transmission 和分布 in the DRC

EECDP对刚果民主共和国(Kikwit)的四个主要人口中心进行了能源供应评估, 卡南加, Tshikapa, 和Mbuji-Mayi. To improve long-term electricity access, 我们计算了当前和预计的未来供应来源和峰值需求,确定了五种传输解决方案. By developing conceptual plans to enhance 传输与分配 infrastructure, ICF helped expand energy access for these inland cities.

Southeast Asia regional energy performance benchmarking for the building sector

Partnering with an ongoing energy efficiency program at USAID Indonesia, ICF开发了 common building rating system centered on the hospitality sector. We trained hotel industry building owners and operators on energy performance strategies. 对标工具提供有关楼宇能源表现的资料,使业主能够选择最有潜力改善节能的楼宇.

Central Asian 能源 Efficiency Support Program (CAEESP)

美国国际开发署支持在哈萨克斯坦提供援助,通过刺激对能源效率技术和项目的投资来降低温室气体强度, 区域研讨会, 培训, 建立审计, 与地方项目和私营部门的强有力合作为能效实践方面的持续投资建立了能力.

能源 efficiency knowledge portal for Central Asia

Developed to share energy efficiency best practices across the region, 该门户网站包括一个互动教育平台和设备数据库,以建立一个全面的地方资源. It reduces information barriers to stimulate energy efficiency investment. ICF与中亚区域环境中心(CAREC)合作,维护和发展门户网站.


Partnership for growth—能源 efficiency in Tanzania and Ghana

向坦桑尼亚和加纳的公用事业公司提供了直接技术援助和培训,以支持两国的《明升体育m88》(JCAP),解决电力短缺和减载问题. 在坦桑尼亚,计量客户数据分析有助于评估潜在的能源和高峰需求节约. 两国工业部门的需求侧管理(DSM)计划和分时电价结构现已到位,以降低总体电力需求.

Bangladesh industrial energy efficiency opportunities assessment

明升体育m88帮助孟加拉国主要工业部门减少了能源需求和对高污染备用发电机的依赖. 我们通过定制的最佳实践基准确定并优先考虑具有成本效益的节能措施, 然后捆绑在一起,吸引金融机构的资本投资机会. 美国国际开发署孟加拉国办事处利用该项目的成果启动了其全国清洁能源项目的主要组成部分.
